Yes, I am linking another short story. Edgar Alan Poe stories are classics, but when was the last time you read one?
The Cask of Amontillado
Potential Applications:
1. Could nacho cheese be used to help absorb the massive temperatures of a space shuttle re-entry into atmosphere?
2. Nacho suits for firemen.
3. Guests on the O'Reilly show could slather on some nacho cheese to safely absorb his fiery vitriol
4.Dell just announced a liquid-cooled pc system. Why not computer cooled by nacho cheese?
5. Automobiles use toxic antifreeze and water coolant. We could replace this with savory, non-toxic nacho cheese. If you get stranded in a snowy wildernesss, radiator fondue could keep you nourished.
Having shattered a diamond with his head, Rufus looks hopefully for other items to headbutt
This weekend, at the First Lego League Robotics Competition at the beautiful
What in the world are you talking about?
From Firstlegoleague.org
“This is an international program for children ages 9-14 that combines a hands-on, interactive robotics program with a sports-like atmosphere. Teams consist of up to 10 players with the focus on such things as team building, problem solving, creativity, and analytical thinking.
Each September, a new Challenge is unveiled to FLL International teams across the world. Over the course of 8 weeks, they strategize, design, build, program, test and refine a fully autonomous robot capable of completing the various missions of the FLL International "Robot Game" Using the LEGO MINDSTORMS™ technology.”
I, for one, welcome our new Lego Robot Overlords
Shannon and her two teams, the RoboJags and the cleverly named Luddites threw down some crazy robot good times this last Saturday.
I was seriously dragging from a late night of playing Guitar Hero 2 with friends, but the pure nerd energy and science goodness from this event was invigorating. The robots performed pretty well, but it was The Luddites’ humorous skit that would win accolades on this day.
Nano The Alamo:
Tasked with researching a creative use for nano-technology, they performed a skit about the theoretical impact of nano-technology liquid armor on the battle of the
They had nerf darts flying everywhere, humorous asides, and a deep understanding of the science involved with nano-technology. The judges laughed the entire time, and
Something must have clicked, because they won a cool 2nd place trophy out of 30+ teams for their research presentation.
Some possible fundraising to buy more robots for the science classes of
Congratulations again to Shannon and her awesome RoboJags and Luddites.