Thursday, January 29, 2009
Healthy Recipe: Bacon Explosion

Monday, January 26, 2009
Another Awesome Pie at Home Slice
The average pizza at HomeSlice features 1-3 toppings. The pricing model: Cost of Pie = $16 + $2x (where X=# of toppings). Freed from the constraints of cost, Chris's free pizzas are a crazy laboratory for experimenting with topping combinations. A typical order might be 7 different toppings. There have been some strange ones over the last three years, with clams, broccoli, fried eggplant, anchovies, and ricotta making appearances.
Last night, while the other paying customers where enjoying their cookie-cutter pizzas, we enjoyed a fantastic overloaded pie free of charge, as always. If you ever get a chance, try thinly sliced fresh pear as a pizza topping. It works phenomenally well.
Toppings: pepperoni, meatball, mushrooms, fresh mozzarella, fresh basil, and sliced pear.
Cost (comped): ~$28
Tasting notes: Sweet and savory/meaty notes with a hint of aromatic basil. The flavors hit the right notes with a great balance of salty, savory, sweet, and acid. The pear was the standout addition, adding great texture and sweetness. The usual suspects in our free pies, meatball and basil delivered once again. Overall, a top notch topping combination at a price that cannot be beaten ($0).
Friday, January 23, 2009
Round Rock

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Casino Night 2008-The Video is FINALLY Here!
On Christmas night, a large group of revelers converged at the Sants for the always awesome Commish's Casino Night. This event is part party part high school reunion and part parlor games (terrible sentence). Casino games have been phased out and replaced by creative original competitions. A mediocre blog posting can't really convey the awesomeness of Casino Night. We get to reconnect with old friends and compete in ridiculous and hilarious party games.
Here are a few:Facebook Faceoff - How well do you really know your Facebook "friends"?
2008 Pop Culture / Celebrity Baby Name Trivia
Competitive Gift-Wrapping
Playing Card Toss The Doogie Dip - A game of balance and quadricep strength
And a dance-off between teams paying homage to Beyonce's wonderful Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It) performance on Saturday Night Live.
We have finally downloaded and edited the video of the Single Ladies dance video. Without further ado, here it is:
Sorry it took so long to get this thing posted, I was little mortified about putting it online!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Mystery Diagnosis Check off list...
I can recognize gas almost before it gets to a bad point.
I've also learned that extreme out of character fussiness can be related to my intake of caffeine. What an unfortunate thing for me, but great thing for Michael!
I can recognize when something is just a cough and not the croup (croup is more of a bark cough like a seal-Grandma GiGi told me I would recognize the bark if I heard it).
And lastly, I can now recognize when my son has Coxsackie A-16 virus which is a fancy name for Hand-Foot and Mouth Disease.
I feel like maybe I'm doing something wrong at times that my son has already been plagued with the above sicknesses, but maybe I'm making super immune baby all the same!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A Modest Assessment of our Baby
We may be slightly biased, but after reviewing the evidence, I conclude that our child will some day be the only Heisman Trophy-winning Rhodes Scholar to be elected President of the United States. He will also be able to fool all of the people all of the time and beat up Chuck Norris. If he wanted, he could coach the Aggies to a football national championship (but he won't).
Conclusion #1:
Michael is going to be an elite athlete, possibly in basketball.
He is tall, according to the growth charts. He stuffs his hands into his mouth like a prodigy. He's also very good at supporting some of his weight when held in a standing position. Some people say that his fingers look really long. He recently grabbed Shannon's eyeball and palmed it like a basketball (she should get some Bill Laimbeer goggles to protect herself from our little enforcer).
Conclusion #2:
Michael is going to be an excellent speaker, perhaps delivering arguments before the Supreme Court.
Prodigious cooing and funny baby talk sounds at 12 weeks old. He spoke his first word: AGOO (definition: a small municipality in the province of La Union, Phillipines) at barely 8 weeks old.
Conclusion #3:
He is going to be a super-charismatic charmer and possible ladies man.
He beams frequent, face-crinkling emphatic smiles at his parents and many strangers. He seems to have good skin for an infant, and he doesn't spit up on people often.
Conclusion #4:
Michael is going to be a thoughtful, humble, intelligent person.
He seems quiet, thoughtful and observant. He seldom naps during the day because there is too much stuff to look at and too much contemplating to do. Michael doesn't sleep. He waits with his eyes closed.
It's our jobs as parents to support and unconditionally love our children. In spite of that, I tried very hard to make unbiased conclusions about Michael's future. Fortunately, the cold hard evidence points to a bright future.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Bacon Control Officers
Many diesel engines can burn filtered used fry oil from restaurants. Step one is to harvest large quantities of bacon grease and oil. This may require cooking a lot of bacon or establishing a municipal bacon grease recycling program. The city can distribute blue plastic coffee cans to be picked on trash day.
This bacon grease is then used in the fuel tanks of the animal control trucks and vans. The drivers will drive slowly on patrol, and the cooking bacon exhaust will begin to work its magic.
By the time the vehicle returns to the animal shelter, there should be a large mob of dogs, cats, squirrels, and hungry people in tow looking for the bacon. With a little corralling, the streets will be free of stray animals. Plus, everything will smell like bacon.
Other applications: bacon grease burning ice cream truck that sells bacon. Anyone know how to apply for a patent?
Monday, January 12, 2009
One of the Lucky Ones...

One of my friends in particular who has struggled with fertility just submitted her manuscript for a book. Check out her blog, she is an amazing writer, witty and intelligent.
Christmas Recap Take Three
Duration: December 19th-December 29th
Exciting Moments: Mikey's first college Graduation of his Aunt Kaitie, getting good grandparent time in with Grandma, Grampy and Nana, and GiGi and Grumpa, Getting a good visit in with Mrs. Floyd and the Floyd boys, visits with my cousins, Josh, Jake and Ali, and visiting with my mommy's friends from high school...(there are four new babies with her friends!)
All in all, we enjoyed most of our time out, however, we have learned a lot about things that we are going to do differently with a new baby in our lives next year.