In entering in my third month of being a mommy, I'm realizing exactly how lucky I am to have this precious being in my life. How lucky I was to know before we started trying that we were going to have to take fertility drugs to get pregnant, how lucky Christopher and I were that the fertility drugs we took worked the first time without fail, how lucky we are that the nine months of eating tons of spinach and cheetos paid off, and how lucky we were that nothing went wrong in my 20 hours of labor. Being in my 30's, I'm beginning to see how our bodies were not really made to make babies this late in the game. More and more of my friends have told me how they have had to try fertility drugs, and many other forms of alternatives to get pregnant. Some are successful, yet others are still trying. I try to think of those friends who have had problems even conceiving a baby when I get frustrated or tired, and I have to remind myself not take for granted that I have this little boy in the first place to cry and keep me up all night. I am one of the lucky ones, and I thank God for giving me such an amazing gift.

One of my friends in particular who has struggled with fertility just submitted her manuscript for a book. Check out her blog, she is an amazing writer, witty and intelligent.
Do Michael and Austin confer with each other as to which outfit they'll be wearing to their respective photo ops? Stars seem to be "in" this year. :)
Happy, happy baby!!! What a beautiful smile!
Of course they discuss their outfits! They are best friends!
Ironically, those star jammies are Austin's old Jammies that don't fit him!
I feel incredibly lucky to have this little mad dog around, even when he is screaming.
MD is lucky to have you guys as parents.
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