Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas Recap Take Three

I've tried to write this blog entry several times over already, but I haven't quite found the right words to describe everything that happened during our Christmas vacation. I will try to sum it up is as brief manner as possible.

Duration: December 19th-December 29th
Exciting Moments: Mikey's first college Graduation of his Aunt Kaitie, getting good grandparent time in with Grandma, Grampy and Nana, and GiGi and Grumpa, Getting a good visit in with Mrs. Floyd and the Floyd boys, visits with my cousins, Josh, Jake and Ali, and visiting with my mommy's friends from high school...(there are four new babies with her friends!)

Bummer Times: Being late to Grandma's Christmas because of car troubles at Aunt Kaitie's Graduation, Three different incidents of car troubles over the course of the two weeks, Michael getting sick with a cough, and not acting like himself.

All in all, we enjoyed most of our time out, however, we have learned a lot about things that we are going to do differently with a new baby in our lives next year.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Shannon!

Sarah said...

Yay! Finally an update!